Beautiful Homemade Pies on the Thanksgiving Table


All the images are thumbnails: click for a larger view.

At the mausoleum:

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Ed Blessing the Ashes

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Mom & Pam say Good-By

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Leaving the Mausoleum
Randy Sr. with his Mom, Karen's Mom on the Left

Some Portraits from the Memorial Reception & Thanksgiving:

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Chris with Since-Childhood-Best-Friend Dottie who came to the Service

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"Mickey" Michael Klein who Represented the Klein Family.  We were all very glad to see him.

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Mickey with his long-time girlfriend.  Handsome just like his Daddy.

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Ed, Sean, & Susan

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Never an Unkind Word.

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A Prettier Lady There Never Was

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Dot Magin
Sweetness.  Randy Sr's Mom and Great Grand Mom to the Twins

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Next Generation
Sean Case - the only Male Case Child  - Randy & Marc, and Randy III

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Marc Magin
Chris and Randy Sr.'s second Son. Always a smile.

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Randy Sr. & Grandson Randy

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Randy Jr. and Son Randy III, the Testosterone Side of  the Twins

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Pam & Pretty Niece Sarah

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Pam and Dave.  
Happy at Last

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Naked Sarah, just out of the Bath with Mom and Great-aunt Kris

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Karen and Daughter Sarah, the Feminine Side of the Twins 

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Some Thanksgiving Pics:

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Yummy Table
Could it be Thanksgiving without Mom's Waldorf Salad Jell-O Mold?

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Dave Carves the Bird with Pam's Advise

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At Table
Second on the Right is Bernice, a dear friend of Mom's.  At the far end are relatives of Dave.

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The Table Stretched the Length of the Patio
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